
Managing Pandemic Fatigue

September 21, 2020

  “Is this normal?”  “Is anyone else experiencing this?” “Is there any advice you can give me on how to manage?” “I’m getting all this pressure to produce from above…

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Coaching as a Change Practitioner

November 27, 2018

The word “coaching” gets thrown around a lot, but I find that not everybody means the same thing when they say it. As my profile grew as a change practitioner,…

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Jessica with a falcon at Ireland's School of Falconry

The Power of Shared Intent

July 3, 2018

Travel, for me, is like breathing—it’s a necessity. I thrive from the change in context and the chance to broaden my perspective. It renews me in a way that nothing…

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Jessica smiling

Inspired by Young Leadership

May 4, 2018

Earlier this month, I learned my blog post, “Inspired by Young Leadership”, was to be featured on Training Industry’s website. I was honored, as this post is especially dear to…

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What Does Work/Life Balance Look Like When it’s Working for You?

October 30, 2017

Featured on Huffington Post: I’ve recently had a number interesting client interactions that highlighted for me just how personal and how different perceptions of work/life balance are. My client Steve* received…

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Resilience – A Key Concept for Personal & Organizational Change

September 8, 2017

Of all the topics in my change toolkit, resilience has the broadest appeal. During my time at Lowe’s, I taught resilience workshops extensively — the c-suite did it first and…

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Let it Go! Get Unattached.

September 8, 2017

“Whenever we’re trying to succeed at anything—going for a promotion, getting funding or closing the sale, we become attached to the outcome. That focus on a future we can’t control…

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“You are a Warrior; You are Strong; and Sharks are not Real.”

September 8, 2017

95% of our self-talk is negative. 95%! We humans are meaning-making machines, and the stories we make up and repeat to ourselves over and over again are often limiting. What would you…

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Metallica Used a Coach. For Real.

September 8, 2017

Metallica has benefitted from coaching and one could argue was even ahead of its time using a team coaching approach. Very cool. How might team coaching help your team, however…

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The Man Trap

September 8, 2017

A number of years ago I was talking to my Dad on the phone, complaining mightily about something happening at work. My Dad, with a unique ability to sock it…

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