“You are a Warrior; You are Strong; and Sharks are not Real.”

95% of our self-talk is negative. 95%! We humans are meaning-making machines, and the stories we make up and repeat to ourselves over and over again are often limiting. What would you do if you knew you could not fail?

It is hard work to create space between ourselves and our stories, and to change the narrative in a way that creates possibilities and the willingness to take action, to take risks, to step into what we really want but may not think is possible.

This article by America Ferrera is a great example of just that – even as a famous and wildly successful actress who won an Emmy, she was still ruled by her own inner critic. It took a triathlon and a triathlon coach for her to articulate the issue and focus on finding an internal voice that is more empowering. And look at what she achieved!

How a Triathlon Helped America Ferrera Defy Her Inner Critic