“You are a Warrior; You are Strong; and Sharks are not Real.”

95% of our self-talk is negative. 95%! We humans are meaning-making machines, and the stories we make up and repeat to ourselves over and over again are often limiting. What would you do if you knew you could not fail? It is hard work to create space between ourselves and our stories, and to change the narrative…

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Metallica Used a Coach. For Real.

Metallica has benefitted from coaching and one could argue was even ahead of its time using a team coaching approach. Very cool. How might team coaching help your team, however you define it? Metallica’s Lars Ulrich And James Hetfield Are in It for the Long Haul That partnership has not always been easy. In 2004,…

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The Man Trap

A number of years ago I was talking to my Dad on the phone, complaining mightily about something happening at work. My Dad, with a unique ability to sock it to me on occasion, said, “It sounds to me like you’re part of the problem, not part of the solution.” Ouch. But then it occurred…

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How to Avoid Failing Out of Your HIPO Leadership Development Program

The Harvard Business Review recently published an article by Jack Zenger and Joseph Folkman on why most employees in high potential leadership development programs aren’t actually high potential. Companies Are Bad at Identifying High-Potential Employees According to their research, as many as 40% of the people in HIPO leadership development programs inside organizations are actually below average…

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Skills are Important, but Capacity is Critical to Success

I was thrilled when Forbes published the article I wrote on one my passions — the idea that our capacity is far more critical to our success than learning new skills. So much of current leadership development efforts focus on skills, but miss the far more meaningful territory of our worldly perspective or how we…

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